Sunday, September 20, 2009

Goal Setting Part 2: New Goals and Revised Goals

Running has really helped me to discover one of life's secrets to happiness: being flexible=a happier state of mind. I've spent most of my life being stubborn, so to learn this at 25 is a blessing both to me and all those who love me. Goal setting is absolutely necessary to keep moving forward in life. And I mean not just dreaming about and setting goals, but taking steps to make them helps me to have a much needed sense of productivity, to grow personally and professionally, plus it's fun! But I've really learned this season about the importance of being flexible with my goals and adapting to surprises rather than losing my mind because something happened that--deep breath--I DIDN'T PLAN! My injuries are perfect examples of this: they sidelined me for a while, but I adapted. When I could walk but not run, I walked. When I could run, but only slowly, I ran slowly. I finally realized that some things are out of my control....and it felt kind of good. Like I could let go of that control and the world would keep going...imagine that! Here are some upcoming running related goals. Some have adapted over the season and others are new.

1. In the spirit of being flexible, my goal for Long Beach has also adapted. Because this is my first marathon I have decided not to worry about my finishing time. My overall goal for this race is simply to finish. As long as I finish, I'll be happy because finishing is an enormous accomplishment and something I've wanted for a long time.

2. I'd like for Long Beach to be the first of many marathons and half marathons. I begin training for LA in November!

3. I'd love to try trail running. It would be great if I could find someone to tag along with for my first try...does anyone know somebody who wouldn't mind company?

Non Running Related Goals (those on my mind at the moment):

-find a K-5 teaching position. One where I can really grow, make a difference and be happy.
-learn Spanish (this is a big goal...and one I'm not doing anything about at the moment. A girl can dream, though)

I have many more, but my brain is shutting down at the moment. Did I mention I ran 20 miles this morning? More about that later, time for a nap.

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